Sales data analysis excel
Sales data analysis excel

The author of this work is the copyright holder and reserves all rights. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. This product may not be resold or used for commercial gain nor may its components. Copying for another TpT Seller, store, teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. The contest entries had a mind-boggling variety of excel charts, techniques and ideas. We received a total of 78 charts from 45 people. TpT Sales Report 2018-2021 Excel Data Analysis - Graphs and Charts Sales Analysis Charts in Excel 78 Alternatives Last updated on JChandoo Share Recently, I ran a contest asking you to analyze a bunch of sales data and present your results in charts. * See preview file to see the product's layout! O Graphs showing earnings and unit sales (2018-2021) O Sales (dollars) and units by state (2021) O Earnings and unit sales by state (2018-2021) O Earnings and unit sales by month (2018-2021) O The % each of your top 10 products are of your total business O Top 30 products by earnings and units by month with 3yr CAGR (2018-2021) O TpT Marketplaces vs School Access earnings O Sales data for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 for up to 10,000 transactions per year showing: This file is for stores that have at least $500 in earnings with over 100 sales, but also completes fewer than 10,000 transactions per year. To get this file to work, place your 2018 sales information into the “2018 Raw Data” tab, then do the same for your 2019, 2020, and 2021 sales… and that’s it! This product brings information like this to you so that you can better understand what’s happening with your TpT store. For example, is your most popular product selling as well as it did last year? What about your top 30 products? How many units did they sell in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021? Has your average earnings per sale been increasing or decreasing? If your store does as well as it did last year, how much income should you expect next month? Also, if you’ve experienced a slowdown, when did it occur?

sales data analysis excel

TpT’s dashboard provides you with a quick snapshot of your store's performance, but it does not always provide information that you might want to know. The most recent version of it does and is found here. NOTE: This product does NOT process 2022 sales data.

Sales data analysis excel